Our Process for Creating Expertise Driven Content

Right now It’s very easy to spit out “content” but it’s incredibly difficult to create meaningful content in the “golden age of content”. However we believe that creating meaningful content is the key to improving your site’s presence. Normally we would have said SEO, but your strategy should go beyond SEO and reach into multichannel marketing strategies.  Real world example of why expertise matters  Many of our SEO clients receive a myriad of requests from bloggers offering “guest post services”. Typically these posts will provide 1000-2000 words…

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How to Make Money Passively with Affiliate Income

What are Affiliates? Well, for the sake of simplicity, in this blog we’ll define an affiliate as anyone who makes money from another site by linking to their site. This means you will potentially become an affiliate. Any site that is providing the links and banners for you to use on your website, YouTube channel or social media channel is considered the merchant. Affiliate income works quite simply. The website uses a very simple tracking code that immediately gets tied to the user when they visit their…

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Get More E-commerce Sales: 3 Methods that Work!

Get An E-Commerce Site Audit Have you ever wondered why you're not getting sales on your website? Do you want to dive a little bit deeper than this article? Get in touch with us for a free audit of your site today.  Get in Touch Whether you own a dropshipping store or sell products that you stock in a warehouse, e-commerce is an incredibly powerful tool. I remember the feeling I got when I sold my first e-commerce product on a website I made back in 2014.…

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Use Facebook to Create the Perfect Funnel In 2019

The majority of people creating facebook ads don’t know what they’re doing. The problem is two-fold. Primarily, there is a bit of a technical learning curve to the ads manager. Second, they don’t understand the sales funnel and how it relates to digital marketing.  What is a funnel? A funnel is a way of describing the ideal customer's journey from simply seeing your brand, to deciding to make a purchase. Much like the funnels we have come to know and love for pouring liquids, it starts wide at the…

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How can we help?

Most people hear the word marketing and they think it’s some kind of magical fairy dust that can be thrown on any project to immediately double its profitability. If this is true, why are no small businesses investing in digital marketing? It comes down to affordability. It’s pretty obvious that digital marketing is not a magic bullet for all products and services. The perception most people have though is that the barrier of entry to marketing is too expensive for them. “Marketing is something for businesses like…

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