Client: Practical Preppers

Goal: Increase online engagement and sales

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Website Redesign

A basic website redesign was essential for Practical Prepper’s online presence strategy. Without a user-friendly website, any directed traffic to the website would be useless.

Original Site

New Site

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Ad Campaign

Practical Preppers came to me with the goal to generate more online sales with a specific high profit-margin product

Strategy: Lead Generating Facebook Ad


Data Collection

Running a Facebook Campaign is not as simple as throwing money at an ad. Serious data collection and analytics is required in preparation for a successful campaign. 

Landing Page

A thoughtful landing page is required in order to meet your business’ goals for the campaign. Landing pages are strategically designed to engage customers and generate serious leads.  The image above is a portion of Practical Preppers’ landing page, designed by InnerWorks

Lead Management

The leads generated from a successful campaign are meaningless if not managed correctly. A strategy for prompt responses and data collection is needed for smooth results. 

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Tangible Results

The folks at Practical Preppers are excited about the daily inquiries they are receiving as a direct result of our ad campaign

5-10 inquiries every day for a high profit-margin product

PressGo Digital